Daniel Levy, a senior student at the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School of Greater Washington, takes Arabic at school with his Palestinian teacher, Hani Abo Awad; Daniel spends time in Israel every summer. … “Just seeing that in Israel, the Arabs are our neighbors,” he says. “I always thought it was crazy that while they do live next to us in Israel, I don’t speak their language. And while most of them, the ones living in Israel, do speak Hebrew, I thought, if I’m ever going to connect with them in any way, I need to speak their language.” (http://www.pri.org/stories/2016-07-15/teacher-palestinian-students-are-jewish-and-subject-arabic)
Imam Omar Suleiman, a native of New Orleans, social justice activist and founder of non-profit MUHSEN, and currently imam of Valley Ranch Islamic Center of Dallas, spoke at the Dallas funeral for police officers shot last Thursday: “Are we going to be a pluralistic, tolerant, accepting nation that is guided by a unifying principle that everyone has the right to live with the same level of dignity, and be treated equally by the law, and be free to worship in a way that they please, and live their lives in the way that they please?” he asks. “Are we going to be united by that principal?”
“I went out there to support a cause that is near and dear to my heart. I think there’s no doubt that black lives have not mattered, or have not been treated with the same dignity as other lives, for a very long time,” says Suleiman. (http://www.pri.org/stories/2016-07-13/imam-louisiana-survived-dallas-shooting-here-are-his-thoughts-race-america)
Acting and life tip from Lee Brock: “remember, every monologue is really about the person you are talking to.”